
Core Competencies: What They Are and Why They Matter

Written by Staff

November 29, 2023

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In today's business landscape, companies must seek ways to thrive. Amidst the ever-changing market dynamics, one concept proves to be a steadfast beacon guiding companies: what is core competency? It leads the way to fostering creativity and achieving sustained growth.

Core competencies are crucial for any thriving career or business.  Identifying and investing in core competencies is key to achieving overall success.


What Is Core Competency?

Core competency is a crucial skill or capability vital for a company's success. These are the resources and capabilities that comprise the strategic advantages of a business.

What is a core competency? For employees, these are the strengths and talents that make them qualified for a role. And what is a core competency for a company? Core competencies enable companies to achieve higher efficiency, quality, or innovation.

Core competencies are at the heart of every company’s success. They arise from a fusion of factors: in-depth knowledge, technical expertise, and experience.

Examples of Core Competencies

  • Product innovation: The ability to improve products and bring new products to the market.

Example: Apple's core competency is designing user-friendly devices.

  • Process improvement: Enhancing key business workflows to increase productivity and efficiency.

Example: Amazon's core competency is fast, low-cost delivery, and customer service.

  • Technical expertise: Having deep knowledge and skills in a specific area.

Example: Google's core competency in search algorithms and data analytics.

  • Branding: Creating a notable brand identity and fostering strong client loyalty.

Example: Nike's core competency in building an appealing brand image.

These examples highlight what is a core competency and how it becomes strengths that set apart companies within their industries. These core competencies drive  market advantage and success.

Using Core Competencies

Companies need to focus on what is a core competency and what it does best to achieve success. Here are ways to apply it:

  • Expand into new markets

A company can use its specialized skills, knowledge, and resources to move into new product lines or services.

  • Outsource non-core areas

Outsource or reduce activities outside core competencies. Outsourcing frees up money and time to strengthen what the company does best.

  • Continuous improvement

Invest in modern technologies, employee training, and enhance processes to improve core competencies..

Companies must figure out what is a core competency and focus its resources on that area. This allows them to dominate markets and achieve sustainable market advantage. It proves the importance of understanding what is a core competency and how it drives success.


Measuring Core Competency Proficiency

Measuring the core competency of employees is crucial for developing and retaining top talent. The ways companies can assess their core competency include:

  • Performance Reviews

Managers must include assessments of key competencies in annual performance reviews. These reviews help find areas for improvement and ensure that employees understand what is a core competency.

  • Skills Assessments

Companies can assess hard and soft skills that underlie core competencies through written tests, simulations, and role-playing scenarios. By conducting these assessments, companies better understand what is a core competency and ensure their employees have the needed skills.

  • Certifications

For certain roles, there are certifications that assess competency. It serves as a validation of their mastery of what is a core competency in their field.

  • Metrics

Companies use key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate core competencies. For instance, metrics around work quality and teamwork provide insight into strengths and weaknesses in critical soft skills. Productivity, accuracy, and efficiency metrics assess hard skills.

Tracking how core competency evolves over time through these methods helps companies develop and retain employees. Fostering a culture of continuous learning and skills development around core competencies is the key to success.

How to Develop Core Competencies

Understanding what is a core competency within a company takes effort and time. Leaders must identify the key areas of expertise that will drive future success and growth. Once known, companies can allocate resources to strengthen and deepen skills in those domains.

There are a couple of approaches companies use to build up their core competencies:

  • Invest in employee training.

Providing ongoing training and growth opportunities helps employees gain valuable skills and experience.

  • Recruit top talent.

Hiring employees with specific expertise or experience in key areas of focus helps build capability.

  • Develop partnerships.

Forming partnerships with other companies is a way to gain access to matching competencies and strengths.

  • Promote collaboration.

Fostering connection and teamwork across the company leads to the sharing of knowledge and expertise.


With time and effort focused on the key competencies, companies develop a market. Companies build, strengthen, and enhance their core competencies by following these approaches.

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