
Rethinking Employee Rewards: New Ideas to Inspire Your People

Written by Staff

February 8, 2024

23121908MP-Rethinking Employee Rewards: New Ideas to Inspire Your People

Rewarding employees is essential to keep them motivated and engaged with work. But there are some instances that reward programs are not enough. Some companies struggle to create an effective reward program that motivates employees.

Just like the compensation landscape, the reward system is also updated. Read on and discover creative ways you can reinvent your employee reward system.


The Problem with Traditional Employee Rewards

Cash bonus, gift cards, and PTO are the most common employee rewards. There is nothing wrong with this approach. But the traditional employee reward system does not inspire long term motivation. They are superficial “band-aids” for what really drives people - meaningful work and growth.

Lack of Individualization

Traditional rewards often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, neglecting individual employees' diverse needs and preferences. What motivates one person is not always as effective for another.

As an employer, you must know your team. Understand their values, motivation, and career goals. Offer personalized development opportunities and help them strengthen their skills. Support their purpose and mastery.

Failure to Recognize Non-Monetary Contributions

Traditional rewards heavily emphasize financial incentives. Some employers tend to overlook the value of non-monetary contributions. This leaves little room for acknowledging and appreciating employees through formal or informal recognition programs. Such systems can miss the importance of tasks and how they contribute to the organization's goals.

Limited Impact on Employee Engagement

Relying solely on traditional rewards may not effectively address deeper issues related to employee engagement. Factors such as a lack of communication, poor management, or insufficient opportunities for professional growth can persist.

While compensation and benefits matter, purpose and growth are the ultimate rewards. Employers need to know what motivates their employees. They will feel more involved and committed to a company’s success when you care about their well-being and growth. That is how you can make rewards more meaningful.

Experiences Over Things: Rewarding With Memorable Events

Forget the standard employee rewards of gift cards, bonuses, or extra paid time off. Those are fine, but experiences create memories that last far longer. Rewarding your team with shared events they will never forget is a powerful way to inspire engagement and boost morale.

Memorable Group Activities

Plan an exciting group outing. Not only will your team bond over the experience, but they will associate those positive feelings with the company. Other options include:

  • Gift tickets to concerts, theater performances, or sports events. This allows employees to enjoy live entertainment and create lasting memories with friends or family.
  • An exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of a local attraction. It can be in an amusement park, ocean park or historic site. A VIP tour makes for an unforgettable adventure.
  • A recreational class such as cooking, dancing, or rock climbing. Learning a new skill together forms connections between colleagues and creates lasting memories.
  • A team retreat at a resort. Let your employees unwind and recharge. Shared downtime in a luxurious setting is the ultimate reward.

One-of-a-Kind Opportunities

Unique experiences make memorable rewards for your top performers. Things such as:

  • Tickets to a major awards show, sports championship, or other prestigious event.
  • Grant exclusive memberships to clubs, museums, or cultural institutions. This provides access to unique experiences and events, contributing to personal and intellectual enrichment.
  • Exotic getaways to dream destinations. Provide travel vouchers or organize weekend getaways to attractive destinations. Travel experiences broaden perspectives, enrich cultures, and create lasting memories. They will return with memories to last a lifetime.

Rewarding employees with experience shows how much you value them. And a motivated, engaged team is the greatest reward of all.


Freedom and Flexibility: Offering More Autonomy

Make your employees happier without spending more money by trying to give them more control and flexibility. Let them choose when and how they work, and they will be more motivated and satisfied.

Flexible work hours

More employees value flexibility. Having control over their own work hours and work arrangements boosts motivation and productivity. This flexibility helps in accommodating diverse lifestyle needs.

Letting them avoid rush hour or pick up their kids from school can go a long way in reducing stress. You can offer flex time, compressed work weeks, or remote work options to help your staff find a better work-life balance.

Choice of projects

Rather than micromanaging and assigning tasks, let employees choose projects they are passionate about. This taps into their talents and skills, leading to higher-quality work. Have them pitch a few options they are interested in and excels at. Providing opportunities for staff to follow their passions make them feel more engaged and empowered.

Results-Oriented Work Environment:

Forget about strict clock-watching. Focus on outcomes. In a results-oriented work setup, employees have the freedom to complete tasks and hit their goals when it suits them best. It is all about getting things done efficiently, putting productivity ahead of being glued to your desk.

Flexibility and autonomy as a reward requires a lot of trust in your employees. It means letting go of some control, but with worthwhile results. When people feel empowered and trusted, they do great work.

Rethinking how you offer rewards and inspire your team transforms your business from the inside out.

Learning Opportunities: Investing in Employee Growth

Learning opportunities are powerful rewards that inspire employee growth. Rather than monetary bonuses, consider offering chances for your team to develop new skills and advance their careers.

Provide mentorship programs

Pair junior employees with experienced mentors. Mentorship gives new team members guidance and helps them learn the ropes. For senior employees, mentoring others can be rewarding and help refresh their own knowledge.

Offer continuing education stipends

You can help your employees learn more by offering to pay for job-related training, classes, events, and memberships. This will show them that you value their growth, and it will make them more motivated to work hard.

Cross-train employees

C-training is a great way to keep employees engaged and challenged. It involves teaching them skills outside their regular job function. Cross-training can help them understand different roles within the company. This makes them feel more invested in the organization's success.

Cross-training helps ensure that others can fill in for critical functions when needed, in case someone is absent or leaves the job.

Provide stretch assignments

Giving employees opportunities to take on more responsibility through special projects or temporary assignments helps them strengthen their skills. Stretch assignments prepare ambitious team members to take on leadership roles. Remember, gaining experience and confidence is rewarding, even without a promotion.

Supporting your employees' learning and growth pays off big time. A motivated, skilled team sparks innovation and helps your company handle market changes. Offering learning opportunities is a win-win for both your employees and organization.

Customized Rewards: Empowering Employee Choice

The one-size-fits-all rewards system is no longer working for many workplaces. Different employees have different motivations. Personalized rewards motivate more employees to reach their goals. Here is how you can implement customized rewards:

  1. Employee Surveys and Feedback

Begin by understanding the preferences and priorities of your workforce. Conduct surveys to gather insights into the types of rewards and benefits that matter most to your employees. This data will serve as the foundation for designing a customized program.

  1. Provide Diverse Options

Create a reward list for your employees that covers their various needs. It can include learning new skills, staying healthy, flexible work options, and more.

  1. Flexibility Within Budgets

Make sure you set clear rules and budgets for the program to keep it going for the long haul. Keep in mind everyone's different needs while being mindful of the company's finances.

  1. Technology Integration

Use technology to make the rewards program easier for everyone. Pick platforms that let employees easily choose, track, and give feedback. This will make it a breeze for HR teams to manage while giving a great experience to users.

  1. Regular Evaluation and Adaptation

Check how well the program is working by looking at how happy and committed employees are. Use this information to make changes and keep improving the program over time.

Switching from a one-size-fits-all method to personalized rewards taps into what today's workers want. When employees have the freedom to pick rewards that matter to them, it creates a workplace where appreciation, engagement, and commitment thrive. This shift is not only a trend; it is a crucial move in building a strong and motivated workforce as the workplace keeps changing.



While bonuses, raises, and vacations will always be appreciated, creating a culture where people feel valued and recognized in meaningful ways is important. Your team is your most valuable asset, so taking the time to inspire and motivate them will pay off tenfold.

Small acts of kindness and recognition, flex time, experiences they will remember, and opportunities for growth - these are the types of rewards that create loyal, dedicated, and happy employees. And happy, fulfilled employees are the secret to success.

What new ideas will you try? Your people will thank you for it.

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