
The What, Why, and How of Employee Upskilling

Written by Staff

February 19, 2024

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Companies and employees need to keep up with new technology and skills to stay competitive and employed. Employee upskilling means teaching existing employees new skills to improve their current roles or prepare for new ones. This practice benefits companies by increasing productivity, innovation, and employee retention.

For employees, learning new skills through employee upskilling can lead to higher pay, job security, and a more interesting career. Read on and discover the importance of employee upskilling, how to create effective employee upskilling programs, and the benefits it brings for companies and employees.


What Is Employee Upskilling?

Employee upskilling is ongoing training and education provided to employees to gain additional skills and advance in their careers. For a company, upskilling your workforce means providing learning opportunities so that employees can strengthen their current skills or develop new ones. Getting new skills is particularly important in a rapidly changing business landscape where technology, industry trends, and job requirements are constantly evolving.

Here's how employee upskilling typically works:

  1. Skills Assessment

To make sure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge, employers often start by assessing their current abilities. This helps them figure out which areas need improvement or extra training. Through this assessment, employers can identify gaps between employees' current skill sets. It can also show them skills needed for current or future roles within the company.

  1. Training Programs

After identifying the skills gap, organizations can design or select appropriate training programs. Training programs can take various forms. This can be workshops, seminars, online courses, certifications, on-the-job training, or mentoring programs.

  1. Continuous Learning Culture

Employee upskilling is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing process. Organizations that prioritize employee upskilling often foster a culture of continuous learning. This encourages employees to stay informed about industry trends and continuously improve their skills.

  1. Monitoring and Adjustment

Regular assessment and evaluation are crucial to measuring the effectiveness of upskilling initiatives. This involves tracking employee progress, collecting feedback, and adjusting the training programs as needed.

Employee upskilling benefits both the company and the employee. For the company, it results in an adaptable, highly skilled workforce. For the employee, it opens up more career opportunities for growth and advancement. Employee upskilling leads to a more engaged, productive, and future-ready organization.

Why Employee Upskilling Matters

Industries are advancing fast, and job roles are constantly changing. Employee upskilling is beneficial to both companies and their workers. For employees, upskilling leads to the following:

  • Increased job satisfaction and motivation. Learning new skills makes work more exciting and engaging. Acquiring new skills can boost an individual's confidence in their abilities, which improves job performance and positively impacts their overall well-being.
  • Improved career opportunities. Employees can qualify for promotions and pursue new roles with broader, more advanced skills.  Gaining new skills can also make you more valuable and less likely to lose your job to robots or industry changes. It can also improve your chances of finding better opportunities if you decide to switch employers.
  • Higher pay. In today's economy, in-demand skills often mean higher salaries. When employees learn new skills that are in demand, they become more valuable to their employers. And if they ever decide to look for a new job, having those updated skills gives them more opportunities with higher pay.

Why Companies Should Invest in Employee Upskilling

Employee upskilling is not only an investment, but it can also bring benefits to the company.  These include:

  • Increased productivity. Employees with up-to-date skills get work done more efficiently and with higher quality.
  • Lower turnover. Investing in employee growth builds loyalty and retention. Employees tend to stick with companies that support their career advancement.
  • Future-proofing. In a world of constant change, employee upskilling helps businesses have the talent they need to adapt and succeed.
  • Improved recruitment. Companies known for skill development and career growth attract top candidates. Upskilling strengthens a company's talent brand and employee value proposition.


Taking Charge: What Employees Can Do to Upskill

As an employee, you have much more control over boosting your skills. Here are a few ways you can take charge of upskilling yourself:

Take online courses

Online learning platforms offer thousands of free or low-cost courses. Check out sites like Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning. Take courses in your field to build new skills and stay on top of trends. These self-paced courses offer flexibility, allowing you to learn on your own schedule.

Learn through tutorials

If you prefer a first-hand approach to learning, consider working through online video tutorials. Websites like Skill share, Lynda, and Khan Academy provide tutorials on everything, from coding languages to designing software to writing and communication skills. Follow along at your own pace and enhance your skills through practical lessons.

Read industry resources

Stay updated by exploring publications, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, and books related to your field or areas of interest. Reading is a simple way to gain knowledge and broaden your perspective. As an added benefit, you'll have plenty of material for networking conversations and the opportunity to impress your colleagues.

Practice new skills

Once you've learned a new skill through courses or tutorials, it is important to put it into practice. Start a side project to build something, write about a topic you have learned, teach the skill to someone else, or look for opportunities to utilize the new skill at your job. Applying your knowledge is the best way to master a new skill.

The Employer's Role in Employee Upskilling

As an employer, you must actively support and encourage your employees to develop new skills. After all, their growth benefits your organization in the long run. There are a few ways you can assist with upskilling your employees, including:

Identifying Skill Gaps

Keep an eye on your employees' skills and figure out which ones are crucial for your company's success. Make sure you stay updated with the latest industry trends and job requirements so you can keep your team on top of their game. Skills assessments and competency frameworks can help identify skills gaps among employees.

Investing in Training Programs

Organize internal training programs. These can include sessions on software training, presentation skills, time management, and other relevant topics. If you're feeling extra generous, you may offer money or time off from work to go learn new things at classes or conferences outside of the company. Mentorship or job shadowing programs also help employees develop their skills. This approach allows them to learn from more experienced colleagues and gather institutional knowledge.

Creating a Learning Culture

Encourage your team to keep learning by giving them dedicated time during work hours for self-directed study. Maybe one afternoon a week or a few hours a month. This will show your employees that you care about their growth and development. You can also provide them with access to learning resources and offer them financial support for external courses or certifications.

Communication and Transparency

Communicate openly about the benefits of upskilling. Discuss with your employees that it is not just about personal growth; it also contributes to the overall success of the organization. That said, make sure you are all on the same page about the importance of employee upskilling.

The role of lifelong learning at work is changing. Encouraging your employees to learn new skills is a win-win situation. By supporting employee upskilling, you will retain top talent, increase innovation, and build a flexible workforce that can easily adapt to change. So why not start investing now in your team's growth?

Challenges and Solutions in Employee Upskilling

While employee upskilling brings numerous benefits, there are several challenges that organizations may face during the process.


Upskilling your employees isn’t always easy. Some of the biggest challenges employers face include:

  • Cost and time. Providing training and education requires an investment of both money and time. While the long-term benefits are huge, the initial costs can be overwhelming.
  • Resistance to change. Some employees may resist learning new skills or changing how they work. They’ve been doing it one way for years and don’t see the need to change. Communicating the importance of lifelong learning and growth can help overcome this challenge.
  • Identifying skills gaps. It’s not always obvious what skills employees may lack or what training would benefit them most. Conducting skills assessments and evaluations can help determine the biggest needs within the team.


The good news is that there are several solutions to help overcome these challenges:

  • Start small and build. You don’t have to overhaul your entire training program at once. Start with a pilot program or target key areas of need. Take it one step at a time.
  • Offer incentives. Incentives can make a difference in implementing employee upskilling. You can use bonuses, increased pay, or promotions based on completing training programs to motivate employees to participate.
  • Make learning accessible. Today’s technology can deliver training in multiple formats. Training can be online courses, web tutorials, or mobile apps. This makes learning convenient and accessible for employees.

With the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome the challenges associated with employee upskilling. The key is starting small and continuously progressing. Your employees and business will reap the rewards eventually.



In conclusion, employee upskilling is a worthwhile investment. It's really important to keep your team’s skills up-to-date by investing in their learning and development. When you provide opportunities for your employees to learn new skills and expand their knowledge, they become more engaged, productive, and ready for the future.

Employee upskilling is a win-win approach. Your employees will gain new abilities, and your organization will gain a competitive edge. It may take some time and effort, but it's totally worth it in the long run. The future is unpredictable, but you will be ready to face it with a skilled team by your side. So, why not start prioritizing employee upskilling at your company today? Your employees will thank you for the new skills, and so will you.

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