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25% $40 10% $36 90% $54 75% $50 $45 50%(Median) ??? Y our Sala r y

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Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

DW Simpson Global Actuarial & Analytics Recruitment
New York, NY
Senior Actuary. New York, NY / Princeton, NJ / Hybrid. No room to grow where you are. This role presents clear opportunities to advance in knowledge and re... more
2 Days Ago
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Ascendo Resources
Bronx, NY
Ascendo Resources is actively seeking a dedicated and experienced. Healthcare Actuary Consultant. to join a growing team in. Bronx, NY. This position is fu... more
2 Days Ago
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Ascendo Resources
New York, NY
JOB DESCRIPTION. We are seeking a dedicated and experienced Health Actuary Consultant to join our growing team in Bronx, NY. The ideal candidate will have ... more
4 Days Ago
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Ascendo Resources
New York, NY
JOB DESCRIPTION. We are seeking a dedicated and experienced Health Actuary Consultant to join our growing team in Bronx, NY. The ideal candidate will have ... more
4 Days Ago
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Pryor Associates Executive Search
, NY
Senior Life Actuary opening in NY or CT. Manage team of 5 actuaries responsible for strategic navigation of IFRS and related valuation processes. lead team... more
4 Days Ago
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The ARGroup of Search Companies
White Plains, NY
The Company. The client was established to support the financial security of working individuals. Over the years, it has evolved to offer a diverse range o... more
5 Days Ago
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