
Compensation Conscience

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Integrating Skills Verification Questions into the Hiring Process

Employers are constantly seeking ways to ensure they hire the best candidates for the job. One strategy gaining popularity is the use of skills verification …

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Key Compensation Metrics You Need to Know

Compensation involves more than just money for work. How companies decide pay can affect both employees and profits. Compensation metrics are the numbers companies use …

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A Manager’s Guide to Discussing Compensation

Being a manager isn't solely about keeping things running smoothly at work. It's about talking openly with your team about things such as compensation. While …

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Enhancing Employee Morale through Effective Manager Training in Pay Communications

When managers discuss compensation, the way they talk about pay affects how employees feel—whether valued and motivated or overlooked and disengaged. Discussing pay can be …

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Essential Skills for Every Compensation Manager

Every company needs a method to decide fair pay for their employees. Big companies often hire a compensation manager to handle this matter. These managers …

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The Employee Free Choice Act in Detail

The Employee Free Choice Act has been a hot topic in recent years. Both unions and companies have strong opinions on the proposed act. What …

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The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Jobs: A Balanced Perspective

Ever feel like your work life is out of balance? You're not alone. Hybrid jobs— a blend of remote and in-office work—are on the rise …

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The FLSA in 2024: What Employees Need to Know

In 2024, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is seeing the biggest changes in years. Employees everywhere must understand how it will impact their paychecks …

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Unlocking the Secrets of Pay-for-Performance Compensation

Compensating employees for a job well done can go a long way. Rewarding employees and making them feel valuable can help boost productivity. That's where …

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AI and Your Paycheck: How Artificial Intelligence Change Compensation

As the world of technology evolves, artificial intelligence makes its way into changing compensation. But is it really for the better? Compensation management is an …

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Remote Work and Taxes: What You Need to Know

Working remotely opens a whole new world of possibilities, from being able to travel while working to avoiding the daily commute. But it introduces new …

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Beyond Your Paycheck: Why Indirect Compensation Matters

Have you ever gotten a bonus, flex time, or other special perk at work that wasn't part of your normal paycheck? That's called indirect compensation, …

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The Future of Skills in Technology

Over the last ten years, work has evolved significantly and continues to do so today. The way people work now is different because of technology. …

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Rethinking Work Models: Why It’s Time to Get Creative

With technology changing how people work, companies are rethinking traditional office setups and standard 9-to-5 schedules. The old ways of working just no longer make …

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Unleashing the Power of Data in HR Management

The pandemic proved that flexible Human Resources (HR) teams are crucial for companies to stay strong during tough times in the market. HR teams that …

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Leveraging Data to Revolutionize HR Management

HR management has experienced a massive change as companies are now using data to transform the entire HR function. Analytics enable HR teams to gain …

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COVID-19’s Influence on Incentive Compensation Strategies

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses worldwide have had to reassess many aspects of their operations. This includes how they structure and distribute …

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Variable Compensation Explained: A Complete Guide

Employers use variable pay to encourage their employees and recognize their hard work. Variable pay is extra money given on top of a salary and …


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