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Data Scientist I Salaries by Percentile
Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile Data Scientist I Salary $62,338 US May 28, 2024
25th Percentile Data Scientist I Salary $69,660 US May 28, 2024
50th Percentile Data Scientist I Salary $77,703 US May 28, 2024
75th Percentile Data Scientist I Salary $84,452 US May 28, 2024
90th Percentile Data Scientist I Salary $90,596 US May 28, 2024

Do you know the following factors can affect your pay? Check it out to see how much you are worth.

Many jobs pay a substantial bonus in additional to a base salary.

Benefits are an important component of a total rewards package.

Deerfield, IL
Job Summary. Applies advanced data analysis tools and techniques to provide insights and actionable recommendations for the business. Utilizes complex stat... more
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, IL
Job Summary. Applies advanced data analysis tools and techniques to provide insights and actionable recommendations for the business. Utilizes complex stat... more
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Bannockburn, IL
Job Summary Applies advanced data analysis tools and techniques to provide insights and actionable recommendations for the business. Utilizes complex stati... more
1 Day Ago
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, MI
Job Family. Data Engineering & Architecture Consulting. Travel Required. Up to 10%. Clearance Required. Ability to Obtain Public Trust. Guidehouse is seek more
2 Days Ago
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, MD
Description. Are you ready to join Leidos all-star team. Through training, teamwork, and exposure to challenging technical work, let Leidos show how to acc... more
1 Day Ago
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, VA
Description. Are you ready to join Leidos all-star team. Through training, teamwork, and exposure to challenging technical work, let Leidos show how to acc... more
1 Day Ago
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